Midlife Transition - Whose life am I living?

Zoom-webinar (postponed to early 2024)
at 2 pm - 5 pm CET / 3 pm - 6 pm FIN / 1 pm - 4 pm UK / 8 am - 11 am ET
At some point in midlife, we may find ourselves strangely feeling that we are lost. Uncertainty and anxiety may be present, even if external circumstances offer no reason for this.
Midway upon the journey of our life
I found myself within a dark forest
For the straightforward pathway had been lost.
-Dante, Divine Comedy
Dante's Dark Forest is where we go to face our true selves. Our journey to insight and change often begins in the darkest part of the forest. The inner invitation to examine one's life may come in many forms: illness, divorce, children moving out of the house, dissatisfaction with work, low energy and lack of interest in things that previously seemed important. People who come for depth psychological work often feel that they are in some kind of crisis, some kind of turning point in life from which it is difficult to find a straightforward way out.
This webinar may be for you, if you
- are over 35 years old
- are transitioning or living the "second half" of life and you recognize the signs of a midlife crisis in yourself
- long for a more meaningful life and you feel the change moving in you, but you don't know how to proceed
- are asking, "Is this all there is?", "Who am I?" or "Whose life am I living?"
- process big and fundamental questions about existence, ageing, the limited time of life and invitable death, and want to explore the remaining life in a more experiential, conscious and value-based way
You are welcome to this live webinar to share this topic which affects us all, but is rarely talked about openly and in serious and respectful manner. The webinar is an interactive lecture, where you can just listen and reflect, or take part actively in the form of questions or discussion.
The webinar is hosted by Nina Pyykkönen, a middle aged Finnish woman of Karelian heritage, who is by education and profession a Clinical Psychologist, Individual and Group Psychotherapist, Jungian Coach, Clinical and Workplace Supervisor, Ecotherapist (Tariki Trust), Student of Animism and Shamanic Practitioner, Yoga Teacher (200h) and Health Qigong Instructor.
Date: Thu 12th Oct 2023 at 2 pm - 5 pm CET / 3 pm - 6 pm FIN / 1 pm - 4 pm UK / 8 am - 11 am ET
Place: Online, Zoom. You need a computer/smartphone, camera, microphone and email for the link.
Price: 62 euros (50 e + VAT tax 24%) payment through PayPal. A place is secured once the payment has come through.
The webinar will take place if there are minimum 5 participants. Registration can be canceled free of charge until 1st October, 2023, cancellations made after that will be charged 50% of the course price.
Register for the webinar either on Eventbrite OR using the form and PayPal payment below:
Please make a payment for 62,00 euros through PayPal using one of the links below: